welcome to bunblades

welcome to bunblades

the shrines

this is the shrines page. here, i'll list outshrines i have
made and include links to them. if you don't know what a
shrine is, it's really just where i share/talk about things i
like to great detail, and even dedicating a page theme to
whatever i'm talking about. without further ado, click on a
shrine below and enjoy my obsessions!

web-related shrines

quiz shrine - this is where i share various web quiz results

stamp shrine - various online stamps collected go here

blinkie shrine - a bunch of blinkies i like go here (WIP)

88x31 shrine - similar to the blinkie and stamp shrine, but for 88x31s (WIP)

media shrines

sonic shrine - a shrine about sonic the hedgehog

fire emblem shrine - fire emblem time

persona shrine - i like persona oops

misc. shrines

luna shrine - a shrine dedicated to my girlfriend's cat
WARNING: low quality music autoplays and potential flashing light warning